Sometimes you need help beyond that which we can provide, whether for you personally or someone you know.

We've compiled a list of support organisations and charities around the world that are there for you when you need them. This is an ever-growing list, and if you know of an organisation that we've not listed please tell us and we'll add them.
  • Argentina
  • Australia
  • Austria


Centro de Asistencia al Suicida
Centro de Asistencia al Suicida
call 135 (Buenos Aires) or (011) 5275 1135 (national)


Black Dog Institute
Black Dog Institute
The Black Dog Institute is dedicated to understanding, preventing and treating mental illness. We are about creating a world where mental illness is treated with the same level of concern, immediacy and seriousness a a physical illness; where scientists work to discover the causes of illness and new treatments, and where discoveries are immediately put into practice through health services, technology and community education.
SANE Australia
SANE Australia
SANE Australia is a national charity helping all Australians affected by mental illness Guided by our vision and mission, values and behaviours, we help people improve their lives and reduce the risk of suicide.
National sexual assault, domestic family violence counselling services 24-hour online support for workers and professionals.


DU SUCHST HILFE? Die meisten Menschen, die einen Suizidversuch unternehmen, wollen nicht sterben, sondern können so wie bisher nicht mehr weiterleben. Hilfe ist also möglich und erwünscht!


Zelfmoord 1813
Bij de Zelfmoordlijn1813 staat er iemand voor je klaar. Elk gesprek is anoniem en gratis.
Centre de Prévention du Suicide
Centre de Prévention du Suicide
Il existe pourtant d'autres réponses possibles. Pour vous aider, le Centre de Prévention du Suicide met différents services à votre disposition: PARLER ET ÊTRE ÉCOUTÉ 24h/24, dans l'anonymat et gratuitement notre équipe de bénévole assure une écoute citoyenne au 0800 32 123
D'autres numéros peuvent être utiles pour ne pas rester seul avec sa souffrance.
Praat bij Tele-Onthaal over wat jou bezighoudt. Soms moet je al je moed bijeen rapen voor een gesprek. Of vraag je je af of zo’n gesprek wel veilig is. Om het voor jou zo makkelijk mogelijk te maken om te praten, houden we de drempel zo laag mogelijk.


A SaferNet Brasil oferece um serviço de orientação sobre crimes e violações dos Direitos Humanos na internet, de forma anônima e sigilosa. Nossa equipe é formada por profissionais especializados para orientar sobre como prevenir algumas violências online, o que fazer para denunciar e, quando possível, facilitar a identificação de instituições de saúde e/ou socioassistenciais que possam realizar um atendimento presencial o mais próximo possível da sua cidade/região.
Centro de Valorização da Vida (CVV)
O CVV – Centro de Valorização da Vida realiza apoio emocional e prevenção do suicídio, atendendo voluntária e gratuitamente todas as pessoas que querem e precisam conversar, sob total sigilo por telefone, email e chat 24 horas todos os dias.


BC Hospitality Foundation
Every day, individuals in BC’s hospitality industry serve you. They are your baristas, concierges, hotel staff, cooks, winery and brewery workers, waiters, bartenders and wine sales people. While providing hospitality can be rewarding, most jobs in the industry are part-time with minimal benefits.
Not suicide. Not today. Together, we can give people hope for a better tomorrow. Together, we can prevent suicide.
In The Weeds
In The Weeds
A group of passionate hospitality professionals who have experienced the challenges of the industry and want you to know that you are not alone


Todo Mejora
En Fundación Todo Mejora apoyamos a niñxs, adolescentes y jóvenes que viven experiencias de violencia basada en su orientación sexual, identidad o expresión de género. Una de las más graves consecuencias para la salud mental de esto es el riesgo de suicidio. Tenemos un chat de atención para ellxs, donde les orientamos, contenemos y también podemos derivarlxs a tratamientos en salud mental o redes de apoyo cercanas.


Equilibrio (depresión y ansiedad)
Institución especializada en el diagnóstico y tratamiento integral de trastornos alimenticios, trastornos de ansiedad (pánico, fobias, estrés post-traumático, ansiedad generalizada y trastorno obsesivo-compulsivo) y trastornos de estados de ánimo (depresión, distimia y trastorno bipolar).
Organización de servicios en psicología clínica, cuyo diferencial es la oferta de diversos servicios caracterizados por su fundamentación y rigor científico. Para adultos, cuentan con atenciones especializados y ajustados a cada persona, tales como: problemas emocionales y de ansiedad, hábitos nerviosos, problemas del estado de ánimo, y problemas relacionados con la salud. Adicionalmente, ofrecen consultoría organizacional sobre: diseño de soluciones relacionad
DBT Bogota
DBT Bogota
Equipo Oficinal de Terapia Dialéctica en Colombia, enfocada en mejorar estilo de vida por medio de un Tratamiento Psicológico Cognitivo Conductual basado en evidencia científica para problemas de Desregulación Emocional, enfocado en el Entrenamiento de Habilidades Psicosociales y el Mindfulness. Orientado a personas con dificultades de regulación emocional (personalidad límite, desorden bipolar, desórdenes alimenticios, autolesiones, suicidio)
Colectivo aquí y Ahora
Colectivo aquí y Ahora
Organización dedicada a mejorar la vida de las personas de forma integral. En temas de adicciones, es la única en Colombia que presta servicios en todo el circuito: prevención, tratamiento, investigación y formación. Adicionalmente, la organización brinda una variedad de herramientas a quienes sufren de dependencia emocional (forma de relacionamiento marcada por la sensación de abandono e incapacidad).


Suicide Ecoute
Vous avez besoin de parler Vous pouvez nous appeler 24h/24 et 7j/7 sur notre ligne d'écoute 01 45 39 40 00 Vous préférez écrire Suicide Écoute n'offre pas actuellement ce service mais, en cliquant ici, des bénévoles de S.O.S. Amitié pourront vous lire et vous répondre sous 48 heures par messagerie Les bénévoles de S.O.S. Amitié sont également disponibles entre 13h et 3h du matin en cliquant ici pour échanger avec vous par chat


Unsere Ratsuchenden haben viele Themen, die sie gerne in einem Gespräch äußern möchten, denn Probleme und Krisen können uns in jeder Lebensphase treffen. Probleme mit der Partnerin oder dem Partner, Mobbing in der Schule oder am Arbeitsplatz, Arbeitsplatzverlust, Sucht, Krankheit, Einsamkeit, Sinnkrisen, spirituelle Fragen oder Suizidalität; solche Ereignisse und Verletzungen bringen uns Menschen oft an unsere Grenzen und dann kann ein Gespräch helfen, die Gedanken zu sortieren, neue Wege zu erkennen oder es ermöglicht, sich die Sorgen einfach mal von der Seele zu reden. Dafür ist die TelefonSeelsorge da. Einfach anrufen genügt

Hong Kong

The Samaritan Befrienders Hong Kong
由專業社工為具高、中度自殺危機人士提供: 自殺危機評估 緊急危機處理 為期6-8星期的深入危機輔導 為合適的個案提供專題性小組
Provided by professional social workers with high and moderate suicide crisis: . Suicide crisis assessment. Emergency crisis management. 6-8 weeks of in-depth crisis counseling. Provide thematic groups for appropriate cases.
Suicide Prevention Services
「生命熱線」致力向有自殺傾向、感到絕望及有情緒困擾的人士提供益友及其他預防自殺服務,使他們情緒得以紓緩,從而積極面對人生。此外,我們希望提高公眾對自殺的認識,並尋求預防自殺的有效方法 。
Suicide Prevention Services serves people who are suicidal, despairing or distressed by means of befriending and other services supporting them to regain control of their emotions and the will to live on. We also aim at raising general awareness towards suicide and identifying ways in which suicide can be effectively addressed.


Sneha Suicide Prevention Centre
Volunteers in Sneha offer unconditional emotional support for the distressed, depressed or suicidal. This is done in non-judgmental and uncritical environment. Anyone seeking emotional support may contact Sneha in person, on phone or through email/letters. Total confidentiality and anonymity is offered to anyone using the services of Sneha. All the services of Sneha are offered absolutely free of cost
24x7 Helpline: +91-9820466726 - You can contact us for emotional crisis situations, mental illness issues, and suicidal ideation. Families undergoing trauma after suicide of a loved one are also welcome to seek our help We listen, We care.


Samaritans Ireland
Talk to us on the phone - Whatever you're going through, call us free any time, from any phone, on 116 123
Pieta House
Pieta provides free therapy to those engaging in self-harm, with suicidal ideation, or bereaved by suicide.


Samaritans Onlus
Siamo pronti ad offrire ascolto a chiunque cerchi una persona con cui parlare in assoluta riservatezza. Il nostro impegno è dare sostegno emotivo a chi vive una situazione di crisi, di solitudine, di depressione e specialmente a chi è arrivato a vedere il suicidio come unica via di uscita.


Befrienders Malaysia
Emotional support 24 hours, everyday for people who are lonely, in distress, in despair or having suicidal thoughts. Free and confidential.


Consejo Ciudadano
No estás solo, si estas en crisis o no sabes manejar lo que sientes, estamos para apoyarte


113 Zelfmoordpreventie
Stichting 113 Zelfmoordpreventie is de nationale organisatie voor preventie van suïcide. Onze missie is een land waarin niemand eenzaam en radeloos sterft door zelfmoord. Wij zijn ervan overtuigd dat er jaarlijks honderden suïcides meer kunnen worden voorkómen wanneer zelfmoord beter bespreekbaar is en de zorg innovatiever en menselijker wordt georganiseerd.

New Zealand

Lifeline Aotearoa
Lifeline's mission is to reduce distress and save lives by providing safe, accessible, effective, professional and innovative services.​They receive over 10,000 calls per month from people of all ages and ethnicities who are struggling with a wide range of issues including relationship and work problems, mental health, grief, abuse, bullying and loneliness. Lifeline help an average of 8-10 people a day at high risk of suicide. Calls to Lifeline Aotearoa are free, confidential and available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Outline's trained volunteers welcome your call to discuss topics around sexual orientation, gender identity and diverse sex characteristics. They can help you find sources of trusted information, connection to community or peers, and medical or mental health services that welcome LGBTIQ+ people. All calls and callers are confidential and anonymous. Calls are welcomed from LGBTIQ+ people, friends and whānau, or professionals who care for them. They also offer face-to-face counselling services by qualified counsellors in Auckland, or via Skype.​
Depression NZ
Depression NZ
Helps New Zealanders recognise and understand depression and anxiety. We want to reduce the impact that depression and anxiety have on the lives of New Zealanders by encouraging early recognition and help-seeking. Talk to a trained counsellor at the Depression Helpline about how you are feeling or to ask a question.​
Alcohol and Drug Helpline
Alcohol and Drug Helpline
Call 0800 787 797 or text 8681, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to speak with a trained counsellor. All calls are free and confidential.
Suicide Prevention Helpline
Suicide Prevention Helpline
0508 TAUTOKO is a free, nationwide service available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and is operated by highly trained and experienced telephone counsellors who have undergone advanced suicide prevention training. If you think you, or someone you know, may be thinking about suicide, call the Suicide Crisis Helpline for support. If you believe either you, or someone you know, is in immediate danger, please call emergency services immediately on 111.


Mental Helse Norge
På kan du dele tanker og følelser med andre brukere eller våre ansatte veiledere. Bruk forum og vennetjeneste for å utveksle erfaringer og meninger med andre brukere, eller send en melding anonymt til oss og få svar innen 48 timer.


SOS Voz Amiga
A SOS VOZ AMIGA é uma linha de apoio emocional que se disponibiliza a ajudar todos aqueles que se encontram em situações de sofrimento causadas pela solidão, ansiedade, depressão ou risco de suicídio. Se precisa de: Falar, em anonimato, com uma pessoa desconhecida; Relatar situações de sofrimento pessoal, sem constrangimentos de ordem moral, sexual, religiosa ou política; Conversar com alguém que se interesse pelos seus problemas e angústias. Esta é uma linha de prevenção constituída por uma equipa especializada e sempre disponível para escutá-lo através do respeito e compreensão. Trata-se de um espaço orientado pelo compromisso e confidencialidade e onde irá encontrar vozes sensibilizadas para a partilha das suas dúvidas ou dificuldades.


The Mind
The MIND Clinic offers a variety of services in mental health issues, as well as emotional and cognitive development. We provide high-quality treatment to all our clients, using the most efficient techniques developed in this field of expertise. We specialise in finding solutions to problems that at first glance seem unsolvable, giving back hope to those who may have lost faith in themselves or in others.

South Africa

The South Africa Depression and Anxiety Group
SADAG is Africa’s largest mental health support and advocacy group. You will find comprehensive mental health information and resources to help you, a family member or loved one.
Lifeline SA
Lifeline SA
A 24-hour telephonic service that can assist to address the psychological and social stresses and trauma that you are struggling to deal with. For example; family problems, trauma, depression, loneliness, pregnancy, HIV infection/affection, bereavement, sexual and gender violence, substance abuse, or any other situation where a person is struggling to cope with life, in general.


Tillsammans ger vi människor kraft att leva. Ingen ska ensam behöva möta ångest, depression och tankar på att ta sitt liv. Allt vi gör handlar i slutändan om en enda sak. Att ge människor kraft att leva.


Helpline 143
Manchmal möchte man mit jemandem reden. Die Dargebotene Hand ist anonym, kompetent und immer für Sie da.

United Kingdom

Mind provides advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem. Mind campaigns to improve services, raise awareness and promote understanding. They won’t give up until everyone experiencing a mental health problem gets support and respect.
The Drinks Trust
The Drinks Trust
Since 1886, The Drinks Trust (formerly The Benevolent) has provided care and support to the people who form the drinks industry workforce, both past and present. The Drinks Trust is run by drinks industry professionals, funded by drinks industry partners and supported by thousands of drinks industry fundraisers, volunteers and contributors.
Hospitality Action
Hospitality Action
Hospitality Action have a whole range of support services to help hospitality people back on their feet again after a setback. Each year they help thousands of people through challenging times. They want you to know that they’re here for you when life takes an unexpected turn. Whatever challenge you face - from physical illness or mental health issues to financial difficulty, family problems to addiction - Hospitality Action is here to get you back on your feet again. And when it’s no longer possible to work, they can help you prepare for the next phase of your life.
The Ben
The Ben
Sister charity to The Drinks Trust, The BEN supports people of all ages who have worked in the licensed trade for at least three years full-time in Scotland. Offering financial, social and emotional support with beneficiaries receiving annual financial assistance as well as discretionary grants for emergency situations. More information on the support we provide can be found on the Who we help page. As well as financial support, the charity also operates the picturesque BEN Pitlochry Estate on the banks of the River Tay, consisting of 18 bungalows which are rented at subsidised rates for eligible residents.
The Burnt Chef Project
The Burnt Chef Project
The Burnt Chef Project offers a free text based service available 24/7 to anyone involved in hospitality who wishes to talk about their mental health.​The service is provided by Mental Health Innovations who operate the very successful SHOUT service. 
Rehab 4 Addiction
Rehab 4 Addiction
Rehab 4 Addiction was founded to assist those affected by substance misuse and their loved ones. We offer a range of services, and help signpost you to the most effective treatments. This includes alcohol rehab, drug rehab, detox services, intervention, aftercare and outpatient counselling. 

United States

The Giving Kitchen
Giving Kitchen provides emergency assistance to food service workers through financial support and a network of community resources. Our financial assistance program is available for food service workers in Georgia who are experiencing crisis.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
No matter what problems you are dealing with, we want to help you find a reason to keep living. By calling 1-800-273-TALK (8255) you’ll be connected to a skilled, trained counsellor at a crisis centre in your area, anytime 24/7.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is the agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that leads public health efforts to advance the behavioral health of the nation. SAMHSA’s mission is to reduce the impact of substance abuse and mental illness on America’s communities.
National Alliance on Mental Illness
NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness, is America's largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness.
Hope For The Day
Hope For The Day® (H.F.T.D) is a non-profit movement based in Chicago empowering the conversation on proactive suicide prevention and mental health education.
An organization that provides reliable information about mental health and substance use all around the US.
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