Healthy Operations

  • Author: Healthy Hospo
  • Level: Expert
  • Study time: 3 hours
  • Chapters: 9
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What Does It Include?

  • 9 Chapters
  • 1 Certification
  • 27 Questions
  • 1 Framework For Action
  • Plenty of Learning

People and Profit

This lesson is aimed at business owners/operators and senior management within those businesses. It covers the basics of healthy operations, and by this we mean not just profit driven, but people driven.

It is designed to give you the basic tools to implement health and wellness into your daily operations and build a more profitable, resilient, and sustainable business. 

Practical, Actionable Advice

From how to write a great staff rota and excelling at time management to creating great company culture and using frameworks for action this lesson is packed full of learnings you can action for your business. 

If you're in a leadership position in a hospitality business, then this lesson is for you. 

Healthy Operations

How To Build A Healthier, More Profitable Business